Chinese girl's beautiful skin has this secret

Beauty Wise InSome of them have their own domestic and traditional ways behind such a skin.

Women of China are known for their glowing, unblemished and soft skin. Seeing them, you also want to know about their beauty. In fact, behind such a skin, some of them have their own domestic and traditional methods. The best thing about them is that these methods can easily be easily absorbed in your routine and look like them. So you know their beauty secrets.
Beauty Wise In

Women of China use rice water as a toner. For this, soak unpiled rice in soaking water until the water turns into a white light. Filter this water and put it on the face after having a fridge for a while. Do this every day.

Use Natural Toner

Women of China use rice water as a toner. For this, wash unpiled rice in a bowl and soak it. When it becomes white layer (when the Milky White starts to appear), then filter the water and put it in the fridge for a while. Then put it on the face with the help of cotton wool. You can use this water for 3-4 days. After that create a new toner.

Beauty Wise In
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For young look
China's women also drink green tea regularly. You also drink green tea every morning from the rule. With this honey can also be mixed if you want.

For young look
For this, women of China take the help of Green-T. You also keep green tea bags in a cup of water for 2-3 minutes daily and drink it. You can drink honey by mixing it with it.


For faint color
You also use masks of mint leaves like Chinese women.
For this, you should use muffin leaf masks like Chinese women. Grind it and wash it on the face.

For glowing look
These oyster use the face pack made from shell, eggs, and honey. But instead, you can get glowing skin using VLCC and Nature's Essence's Pearl Face Pack.
Instead of this face mask, you can use the Pearl Face pack of VLCC and Nature's Essence.


To avoid growing age traces
Here women help the eggs to avoid wrinkles and fine lines. You also put on the egg yolk face and wash it with cold water 20 minutes later.

Women of China use eggs to avoid wrinkles and fine lines. Put the white part of the egg on the face for this. Wash with cold water 20 minutes later. The egg is an estrangement which helps in maintaining the skin in the skin.


To eliminate Puffy Eyes
If you ever have trouble with Puffy Eyes, then take help from massage like that for Chinese women. Going to the callerbone while starting the massage from the ear. Always do massage up and down in the direction.

For this, women of China believe in massage. Massage of blood circulation increases and there is cell regeneration which eliminates the troubles of Puffy Eyes. Going to the collarbone while starting the massage from the ear. Now massage the circular motion upwards. Do not rouge too much and do not stress. Now massage on Chin and Joobone. Always massage the above directions.

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