Questions about safety of children in school, Sweeper shameful act of schoolgirl

You may have seen incidents in private schools in recent times but now private schools of Bihar are not safe for students. A class 2 student studying at Holi Cross International School, Patna, has been subjected to shameful and dirty movements. Rape attempt has also been done with him. Sharmashkar, who works in school, has done this act by Sweepar Ramji.

This Puri incident is from Holi Cross International School, Danapur, Patna, where the second class student went to the school toilet. The school sweeper in the toilet had a dirty move with a innocent girl. After somehow leaving the toilet, the child reached the class room and told one of her friends about the sloppy actions of Sweeper first. After the information of this incident, the people gathered around and cheated at the school. The police team also reached the school on the news of the ruckus.

The innocent child and his family live in the accounting town of Danapur. In the morning, the father had left his daughter to leave the school. At the time of the holiday, his mother had to bring the daughter. The innocent child was very scared of Sweeper's movements. After the holiday, she told her mother everything, after which the lady immediately called her husband and called the school.

The victim's father reached school with her brother. There the police team also reached there already. When the complaint of the whole case was made to the director of the school, BK Thakur, he would be frightened. Rather than taking action on the sweeper, giving the child's father and his brother the threat of shooting. The students of other students who were present there also got angry. Everyone started to oppose the school administration. Seeing the ruckus, the police of Danapur police station arrested Sweeper Ramji and the entire matter is being investigated.



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