Beauty Tips For Glowing Skin

Who does not want to look beautiful? Even though it can be said that beauty comes from the mind, not the body, yet it is the desire of everyone to look beautiful. What do women and girls do not do to look beautiful? They are expensive to wear expensive cosmetic and various ways, but the glow remains unchanged from the face.

There are some domestic ways that you can get a completely glowing skin and white color.

Beauty Tips for Glowing Skin

Besan, sandalwood, turmeric and milk pack of milk

For this, add 2 tsp gram flour powder, 1 pinch turmeric, and a little milk and make a paste and apply it on the face. Leave the face for 1 to 2 hours and then wash it with cold water. In the face pack, instead of milk, plain water or rose water can also be used. Keep in mind that do not use any facial wash and soap after washing face.

Masur lentils

Grind lentil pulse and make a paste and then mix it with honey and put it on the face. After some time was the face with clean water.


Lemon is considered very good for white color and shining skin. For this, rub the lemon peel regularly on the face and wash it with water after a while. After doing this, all the scars will disappear from the face and the skin will glow.

neem leaves

Neem is not only used to repair blisters, but it is also very useful for shining skin. Grind neem leaves for this and mix some turmeric in it and apply it on the face. Wash with water after drying face.


Tomato is also very useful in giving glowing skin along with food. For this, mash tomato and mix some sugar or honey in it and apply it on the face. After about half an hour wash the face with cold water. By doing this for a few days, you will find yourself appealing.


Yogurt enhances your beauty in addition to enhancing taste in eating yogurt. Mix lemon in curd for it and then look a bit after some time.

Turmeric and cream

By mixing turmeric in cream, the color of the face is clean and the skin becomes glowing. For this, add 2 pinches of yogurt to a pinch of turmeric and apply to the face-saving eyes. Let it stay for some time and then gradually wash hands with lukewarm water after massaging it with hands.


It is not only worship of Tulsi but also to enhance beauty. It is really beneficial. By grinding the basil leaves, the face color becomes clear, the skin also starts to glow.

We do not need to buy any expensive products to get white color and vibrant skin. As the grandmother used to say that the treatment of every merger is in the house itself. There are many things in the house which can help you. Potatoes are also one of them. By cutting a piece of potato if regular face massage, all the scars are removed and the skin starts to shine.


Take a ripe papaya and mash him well on the face. Let the face remain like this for a while and then wash it with water. Do this at least 3-4 times a week. Slowly glow in the face will appear.

Aloe vera

To get the glow on the face i.e., to get glowing skin, you can also take Aloe vera. Remove the aloe vera leaf from the gel and wash it with cold water after drying. Do this once a day and see how your skin will glow within a few days.

Regular cleaning

The most important thing to understand is that glow or color will only appear on the face when the face will be cleaned regularly. So wash everyday face with cold water many times, apply a nice face wash and do scrub at least twice a week.


Put the sandalwood face pack on the face to get the face clean. Pure sandalwood for this and make a paste and apply it to the face. Wash the face with cold water after drying. Do this twice a week. This will gradually clear the face color.

Honey will bring light

Honey contains antibacterial and anti-fungal properties that not only protect our body but also take care of skin. That's why honey is considered a healthy tonic for the skin. Not only eating honey but by eating it also gives great benefit. Every day, a face massage from a spoonful of honey gives a face to the face in some time.


Face color can also be fired by sea salt. For this, add 1-2 teaspoon of salt to a little honey and place it on the face and massage with light hands. Leave the face like this for 15 minutes and then wash the face with the roasting water.

So these are some of the home remedies through which you can find a fireproof and beautiful skin, but keep in mind that if any of the measures adopted by them are jealous of the face or they are allergic then they will not do it. Keep eyes protected while adopting any type of face pack or domestic method.

Note - Face to face and glow will survive only when

Will be healthy food

Avoid fried food

Will eat things like fruits, milk

Drink plenty of water daily

Clean the face daily

Daily Yoga and Meditation

Will take a lot of sleep every day and stay away from worry-stress



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